Monday, May 21, 2012

Austin's Baptism

I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am for my son!  It has been amazing hearing him speak about Christ these last few weeks.  It has been fun talking about the gospel and what Jesus did for us with him; to see his eyes light up when he 'gets' it. 

Austin's turn to share his testimony

We spent the night before practicing so he felt comfortable.  He did a great job!

Answering Pastor Matthew's questions and listening intently.

Coming up clean.  WOW!  He was SO happy!  He gave Matthew a HUGE hug and TOTALLY left Todd out. :)

It was so great that Todd got to participate in Austin's baptism.  Afterwards, they proceeded to the front of the stage and we gathered around him to pray.  I LOVE baptismal Sunday's.  Welcoming new brothers and sisters to the 'family'.  Weeping with joy at the proclamation others are making for their faith in Jesus Christ.  There were SIX people baptized today.  SIX!!  Praise God!

I'm excited to see what God has in store for Austin.  He loves to pray, says all the time that he thinks his brother Ian will be a "great man of God some day".  Well, buddy,  I see that in you NOW!  We are *SO* proud of you!

**I will put up a link for today's sermon when it's been published. 


  1. He did great with his testimony... I was really impressed! I was out in the foyer with PJ, but Chase said he came and stood up with Austin (tho he couldn't get very close) during prayer after.

  2. Yes, he did! It was SO sweet of Chase to come up.
